Advertising Policy

Affiliate Disclosure

In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, Debt to has financial relationships with some companies mentioned on this site and may be compensated if consumers choose to apply for or purchase products via links in our content. However, whether or not we are compensated does not determine which products we mention or result in preferential treatment in our editorial pieces.

Unless mentioned otherwise, you should assume Debt to has an affiliate relationship with the merchants providing the various products and services referenced throughout this site either explicitly or via an affiliate link. If you purchase a product or service from a third-party merchant as a result of clicking on any of our referral links, we may receive a commission payment as compensation. Those commissions help support this site and enable us to continue to provide quality information and education for consumers.

With that said, you can be confident we will always give our honest opinions, analysis, assessments, findings, beliefs, and/or experiences about those products and services.

We’re passionate about the companies we recommend and have built relationships with some of them. If you ever have an issue with a company that we recommend, please contact us immediately and we will do our best to help you fix the issue.

Disclosure of Third-Party & Sponsored Ads

Sponsored Ads: Text and image ads that appear on this site are either third-party ads (e.g. Google AdSense Ads) or sponsored ads and will almost always be labeled accordingly (e.g. “Ads by Google”, etc.). If a text or image link appears to be an ad but is not labeled as such, then most likely it is an endorsement via an affiliate referral link as opposed to a third-party or sponsored ad. This site does not necessarily approve or endorse the products and services advertised in these third-party or sponsored ads, although we reserve the right to do so, particularly in situations where the ad is on behalf of a merchant with whom we have an affiliate relationship.

Linking to other sites

We may provide links to third-party sites. If you follow links to sites not affiliated or controlled by Debt to, you should review their privacy and security policies and other terms and conditions, as they may be different from those of our Sites.

Debt to does not guarantee and is not responsible for the privacy or security of these sites, including the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of their information.

We thank you for your continued support of Debt to As we mentioned earlier, we remain a free-content website. Your support through clicking on affiliate links and other ads on the website helps us to keep doing what we do best: providing you with high-quality, unbiased advice to help you become a personal finance guru.

California Do Not Track Disclosures

We do not track individual users across the web.

Notice to California Residents

In response to a California law, we will automatically treat accounts with California billing addresses as if you requested to not share your information with nonaffiliated third parties except as permitted by the applicable California law. We will also limit the sharing of information about you with our affiliates to comply with California privacy laws that apply to us.

Residents of the State of California may request a list of all third parties to which this website has disclosed certain information during the preceding year for those third parties’ direct marketing purposes. If you are a California resident and want such a list, please contact us at

For all requests, you must put the statement “California Shine the Light Privacy Request” in the body of your request, as well as your name, street address, city, state, and zip code. Please note that we are not responsible for requests that are not labeled or sent properly, or that do not have complete information.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at or write us at:

Debt to Zero

Privacy Agent

PO BOX 5026 La Quinta, CA 92248.